Northern Trust TV App

The Project The project was to build an app for a 85″ touchscreen TV. The TV, located in the lobby on the 44th Floor of a new Northern Trust building in downtown Chicago, allows customers to walk up to and interact with it. When interacting with the app, customers can see important events and announcements, […]

Bradley Corp is a beautiful statement of contemporary web design. Two By Four did an amazing job in putting together the concept and design for this “website” – which is really more of a complex Single Page Application (SPA). And just how this website is stunning to look at, under the hood it really holds up […]

Luxor Furniture

Luxor Furniture is a B2B office furniture company. We built their new website in Magento 2. They need it a CMS that could handle thousands of SKUs with multiple configurations out of the box and Magento 2 was it. Even though the client decided to launch the site without Magento’s purchasing functionality active, the site […]