Luxor Furniture

Luxor Furniture is a B2B office furniture company. We built their new website in Magento 2. They need it a CMS that could handle thousands of SKUs with multiple configurations out of the box and Magento 2 was it. Even though the client decided to launch the site without Magento’s purchasing functionality active, the site is ready to become an official e-commerce website any time in the future. There’s still a lot of benefit in using Magento without a “Cart”, such as inventory management and product configurations that work incredibly well right out of the box.

Custom Extensions

We also built 3 custom extensions for Luxor. Here is a quick run-down of what they all do.
Custom configuration in the Category page to show a downloadable link of PDF files assigned to products

Custom logic on search to always display the product that matches a SKU searched first


We called this the DAM for Digital Asset Manager. Full disclosure, it is not a full DAM by any means, digital asset managers are databases that hold hundreds of thousand (if not millions) of images. They allow users to upload, share, crop and download files among many other features. Our extension allows Luxor distributors to search for images assigned to any product and download them in the resolution and size they want. So we named it the DAM because it does a few of the things a digital asset manager does. Plus, it was very cool to refer to the “dam” page during meetings.

Configurable Products

As I mentioned, Magento does a great job at handling product configurations out of the box. Configurations can get quite complex and Magento handles them with no issues. But when we built the new Luxor site, we added some custom content to the product page on a right sidebar. The right sidebar allowed the user to go to the DAM to easily download the images for the product they were viewing at the size and resolution desired. Other buttons allowed the user to download documents such as Spec Sheets and Instructions specific to the product being viewed.

The problem was that when viewing a configurable product, if the user clicked on one of the configurations, the image of the product would update to the right SKU but none of the other content would change. So we wrote some JavaScript to watch when the user clicked on variations and update ALL the content on the page to the content matching the SKU selected.

Custom AJAX Requests

A lot of the functionality that we built for Luxor required making Ajax requests to the server. Rather than writing a class to handle each request we wrote one class to handle all custom requests specific to Luxor. Then we built multiple endpoints within our class to handle each request appropriately. This makes it easier to maintain the code.

Migrating Content

This was a best on its own. Migrating 1300 products from an custom and outdated database into Magento was not an easy task. It took a lot of team work with the FAS team to get this done right.

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