When you think of your business’ online presence, what comes to mind?
A blog or website? E-commerce? Delivering the right message to the right user?
Your online presence is all those things!
On a daily basis, your users interact with your business online in different ways: To obtain information, contact your sales team, get support, purchase a product, etc.
It’s hard to keep track of these verticals, let alone do them all well!
The different platforms available for each vertical offer significant advantages in their own areas. This makes it virtually impossible to manage all verticals from one system and stay competitive.
Take e-commerce for example, you have Shopify which makes it easy to get started with & serves any business, big or small. Magento on the other hand offers robust features and complete customization. But neither one offers a better blogging tool than WordPress.
So, are you to compromise and just bare with the headaches that may come from trying to put a square peg through a round whole?
No! Whatever your choice is for e-commerce, or blog, or CRM, or any other tool you use to succeed online should have no [negative] impact on your other verticals.
If the best mix of tools for your team to succeed looks like this:
- Magento for your store
- WordPress for your website
- Slack for internal communications
- HubSpot for support tickets and CRM
Then that’s what you should rely on; because that makes the people that support different verticals efficient at their job. But then the question that follows is: How do I keep track of all this?
Ah! That’s where we come in.
At Photon, we developed a product called Spectra. Spectra allows us to bring all your business’ verticals in one place for you to analyze and your users to interact with.
Using the same example above, this is how things would look with Spectra:

With Spectra:
- One Web App that can display:
- Products from your Magento store
- Content from your WordPress website
- Other conditional content
- Interactions with users automatically sent to HubSpot & Slack
- All data flows on to one Google Analytics dashboard
- And much more